There’s power in the spoken word. YOU withhold the power to build up or tear down. To speak life or death.
I encourage you to speak life and make a difference in someone’s life on purpose.
Life and death are in the power of the tongue: and they who love it shall eat the fruit thereof (Proverbs 18:22, KJV).
Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit – you choose (Proverbs 18:21, MSG).
We all have memories of words that were spoken directly to us or about us that wounded us to the core. I bet you can actually remember exactly where you were, and how you felt, and I’m sure it still stings today when you revisit that memory or memories.
So, if you know me at all, it’s evident how much I love speaking life over others and seeing them believe it for the first time.
I am extremely passionate about mentoring and intentionally spending time with others and helping them see the greatness inside of themselves. To actually walk hand in hand with them as they discover and experience true freedom in Christ and begin to walk into their purpose.
Years ago, I scheduled a meeting with a friend of mine who I admired for his leadership. I’ve had amazing mentors and encouragers in my life and I assumed he had as well.
I admired his leadership and the way he interacted with his friends, peers, and employees. Everyone admired him as well.
It was an absolute joy to be around him.
He was currently an Executive Director of an International Airport; we walked around his large office as I admired his impressive journey. He was a retired Navy pilot and I was in awe of the pictures of the fighter jets and all the stories he shared.
However, I assumed he too had mighty men and women who believed and encouraged him to follow his dreams. Well, that was not the response I received. He looked puzzled.
My questions provoked some heavy thoughts and painful memories. After a while, he replied, “No, I’ve never had a great leader or mentor in my life.” I was shocked.
He began to explain his difficult upbringing after his younger sibling died of polio and his parents struggled with a lifetime of grief. His military days were filled with strict and rigid training but no one along his path had taken the time to intentionally speak life over him.
My friend stated he had wonderful peers but no real mentors in his life; therefore, he built his boundaries by what he NEVER wanted to become.
He allowed his past to create an intentional future. He became a life speaker into other people and intentionally built others up around him. On purpose, he took the time to see them. Hear them. And he invested in others and enjoyed celebrating them.
I don’t know your story but…
Like my friend, I pray you don’t waste a thing.
If it’s been hard, allow this testimony to provoke you to make lemons out of lemonade. My friend could have thrown his hands up and quit or used it as an excuse to live recklessly and self-destructive. But, he trusted God and redirected his pain to produce his ability to work harder and smarter.
Everyone has a choice about what they will do with their pain. You can allow it to dictate your future and repeat the past. More importantly, you can allow it to propel you to seek God, rise above your circumstance, and turn your pain into passion.
I charge you to speak life over yourself and others.
Use your voice and words to mold people around you for the better; leave them better than the way you found them. Look in the mirror and see yourself differently. See yourself healed and whole and begin to speak better to yourself.
You are a world-changer!!!
Love and prayers,
Julie Giordano
Love this! Amen 🙌
I am so glad. Love and miss you!!!